Life Without Immunity

Humans have already gone to the moon. The advancement in technology has brought the world together. Medical science has improved significantly. Every day, a new invention exists in the medical and scientific fields. Sometimes, it becomes harder to stay updated with modern technology and research due to those new inventions and upgrades. Some infectious diseases are eradicated, while others are well controlled with vaccination. Science has enabled humans to fight against the desire of God. It does not matter if your immune system needs to be stronger to fight against infectious diseases; but vaccines will help you against them. These vaccines only cover the physical immunity of humans.
How about the immunity of humans? Who would rescue the deterioration of humanity? Physiological or pathological status is not enough to define human life. Human life does have different components, such as spiritual, societal, moral, and psychological. Scientists can create a clone of everything, but sometimes, I wonder why vaccines cannot provide immunity to all other components of humans.
A normal human faces up and down slippery slopes in their entire life. Sometimes we lose or win. Can scientists invent a vaccination to immune the karma/life? Why is there no vaccination to fight against bad things? Everybody faces loss or bad things that nobody can avoid. I prioritize being a first responder to get any vaccination such as H1N1 and Influenza. Will I get a priority if there were any vaccinations to immune life? How about palm readers, tarot readers, or people who claim to have a psychogenic ability for the future?

I remember an incident when I was a young girl. It was a very hot day. Electricity was gone, meaning no fan or air conditioning system would function. We sat on the porch, and the main door was fully open so we could have at least some air. My uncle, cousin, and I were cursing the electrical board when a beggar stopped by us and asked for food and flour. He often came to my town and used to get money, food, or clothes from the women. He could easily convince the women that something would happen to their family or loved ones if they did not donate because an evil shadow had been covering their good luck. His magic always worked to convince those innocent women. He knew well how to play with the psychology of women. Being a con artist, he robbed the emotional women. He always made a promise to them to offer his services to remove the evil from their luck, which I doubt he ever had done any prayer.
Was it a bad day for the beggar? That day, he found three of us sitting on the cot instead of women. My uncle did not pay much attention to him, but my cousin and I thought of teaching him a lesson. So we started to interrogate him with the questions. We asked him about our past instead of our future. We asked a very simple question about how the three of us related to each other. He looked at our resemblance, especially to Binnu and I. Due to sharing the same genetic trait, we resembled a lot. Everyone used to get confused that Binnu and I were twins, and so did this card reader. So he looked at our faces and decided that we were the biological children of my chacha ji. He tried to convince us, but he failed. Binnu and I grabbed the beggar by the shoulder and made sure to leave him outside the boundary of our town. My cousin and I made the beggar run away from the town that day. We also warned him not to be seen around our community again. We had never seen him again until we lived there. I never believed in tarot readers or palm readers. I used to say, “We make our karma.”
On my way to work for many years, I had always seen a flashing sign of “Tarot and Palm Reader” engraved on the window of a small house. My life was a slippery slope at that time, and I was still wrapped in the hellfire. But I never went inside that house because of my beliefs.
One day, I was going to a shopping mall with my daughter, and she got excited after looking at the sign. She said, “Let’s go, my lady. We should learn about our future.” I could not say no to my beautiful doll. I was not in an argumentative mood either. I had nothing else to do that day. Thus, I agreed to go with her. Both of us entered the small house. The entire house was decorated with God knows how many figurines, hanging beads and garlands, and full of candles. A woman who was wearing lots of jewelry welcomed us. The woman looked very sharp and talkative but also very straight and blunt. She held my hand and looked at my palms for at least five minutes. That day, I was in a good mood. Of course, I was dressed nicely. Suddenly, the palm reader said, “Your life is taken away. Your soul is crying inside, and even your face is smiling. Someone has an evil eye for you.” I was shocked. As I said, I was in a good mood, so it was hard for her to predict by looking at my appearance. She did not know me either. I had not told her anything. However, she predicted my present well instead of my future. I gave her $20 and left her house by saying, “Yes, I already know about that evil which has been wandering around me since I was born, and he is kind of my friend now who knows best how to protect me from the devils.” I left her place quickly. But I am still surprised at how she predicted it.

Often, I think there should be vaccines to immune our karma or destiny. I discussed it with a couple of people, and everybody told me to follow the path of God and recite the Quran. What is the path of God? Isn’t his path honest, don’t think evil about others, help the needy, hard work, don’t harm anybody, and so on? If so, I am already walking on it, then why is my life not immune? But nobody agreed with me. Reciting the Quran or any religious book won’t cover or wash human sins if your heart is full of ego, materialism, hate, dishonesty, and unethics.

6 thoughts on “Life Without Immunity

  1. Hey, Munna Sara! Glad you’re blogging again. It is a nice creative outlet. Don’t let that fortune teller get under your skin anymore than you did the mystical beggar, though. There really are spiritual powers in play all over the world. Not all of them are of God. Blessings on your writing. 🙂

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  2. Hi Sara, so nice to see you back blogging again. But, hey, never give up, never lose trust in love. There is much evil in this world, but much good and love still persists as well. I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend! Thanks for following me again, I hope you will continue to enjoy all the happenings new and old on my blog!😃😺⛄🎄

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